Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fisher-Price Medical Kit

Today we travel back to the days when I was a medical doctor thanks to the Fisher-Price Medical Kit.
This kit had everything one could need for your basic medical remedies.  It included a stethocope, a blood pressure guage, a cast (complete with graffiti), thermometer, a shot, bandages, medicine, a reflex hammer, and of course, the official "leather" bag.  I have reason to believe there may have been one of those ear scope things in this kit, but we don't have one now, so maybe not.  This kit was alot of fun.  According to mom, it actually originally belonged to my brother, and I can't figure out the exact copyright date for this kit, so she may be right.  Regardless, I pretended the kit was my own and solved many an ailment in my youth.  I was particularly good at checking my sister's reflexes by slamming the hammer as hard as possible against her kneecap.  Hey look, I broke my arm:
Because my limbs are now too big for most of the items in the medical kit, H2HB will serve as my model for display purposess:
The stethoscope once had a rubbery foam inside but over the years, it deteriorated, leaving a mere shell of its former self:
This got me thinking, where did the foam go?  OH! there it is:
ew.  oh well, this medical kit was still awesome.  I've ruled that it is far superior to today's version (see image below) simply because of the bag.  Today's shotty carrying case craftsmanship pales in comparison to the case of yesteryear.  My only concern is that the doctor in the image on the old bag is wearing a bandage on her arm.  What could she possibly have done to herself? 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. Today's version sucks. Too bad! I want an old school one for Grant!
